Welcome to the trail head!
This is your starting point here at Basecamp. Every great adventure has a beginning, and the same is true for the entrepreneurial journey.

Hi, I'm David Kelber (DK), the creator of Business Basecamp. Yes, that kid below in the amazing star sweater is me, or was me a long time ago! That's also me with my wife and kids, and a picture of me skydiving for the first time (yes, it was awesome!). Let me officially welcome you to Basecamp! Below you will find the purpose and particulars of what and why Basecamp came to be, and why I created it for you (well, not just for you)! I wanted to introduce myself before you get started and say thanks for stopping by. I look forward to connecting with you soon! -DK-

A basecamp is “the place whereby expeditions start and end. A place to call home away from home, and a place where noble troupes gather.” I like that.
Basecamp was created out of my own experience on the entrepreneurial trail. Like so many others before me, what led me toward becoming my own boss was a deep seated dissatisfaction with where I was. I remember watching the movie Patch Adams, and suddenly found myself awestruck by a quote in the opening minutes of the film. Patch adeptly describes his current situation through this Dante quote: “In the middle of the journey of my life, I found myself in a dark wood, for I had lost the right path.” Translation: I was unhappy with my place in the world. That statement resonated with me because I recognized that place, it was all too familiar.
I found myself repeatedly at the realization that there had to be more than this, and that there must undoubtedly be a way to find greater fulfillment on my own terms (You can read more about my journey in the “About DK” section). Why was I marching to the beat of someone else’s drum, with my financial prosperity and the value of my time at the mercy of their decisions? It made no sense. So, I decided to pivot, and choose a different path. As I began my journey to freedom, I thought about what really mattered, the things that make me “come alive” and bring genuine joy and meaning to my life. I knew these things had to be a focal point, and that they had to be integrated into the foundation of my business. So, I came up with a few core areas:
1. Business / Technology
I’ve been in varying aspects of the business world for over 20 years, some of it good, some of it I would rather forget! Yet, what I have learned over time is that business is an interesting animal, and depending on what type of business you are in, can take on many different forms. I love the challenge that business provides, and finding solutions to make it work better, smarter, and more efficiently are important to me. I also love integrating technology to help facilitate or expedite those solutions. Truth be told, I’m a tech geek at heart. I love being on the cutting edge of the tech world, and I probably have way too many gadgets, software programs, etc. (just ask my wife). I can, however; place much of the blame for that on my father, who I obviously inherited this love for tech from. This is the man who always had to “test” out my toys at Christmas or birthdays to make sure they worked right before I could play with them! He just turned seventy and bought himself a top of the line drone! So, tech is in my blood, and integrating it with business just makes sense.
2. People / Relationships
No matter what type of business you are in though, people and relationships are the heartbeat of any business! Without people and relationships, your business is just untapped potential, an idea without implementation, a square wheel that won’t roll. At it’s very core, the people you engage, surround yourself with, collaborate with, and ultimately sell to are what will define you as a success or a failure. How you handle your key relationships, both at home and in business will make or break you. I had a professor in college who was quick to point out that if we can’t take care of ourselves, then we can’t take care of others; and that if we can’t take care of our relationships on the home front, the ones in the business world matter little. You may find career and financial success, but the money and attributes are shallow coffers without relationships behind them. It was sound advice that hasn’t proven true again and again. Everything rises and falls on relationships, period!
3. Nature / Outdoors
I love the outdoors! Simply put, its where I feel most at home, closest to God, and most at peace. Give me a quiet boardwalk over a boardroom any day. Put me on a mountain side, or let me stroll along the sands of the outgoing tide, and I’m in my element. Gaze up into a million endless stars, feel the warmth of a fleeting sunset on my face, and suddenly I’m refreshed again. Whether its walking, running, biking, hiking, camping, or simply sitting on a park bench, being in nature is where I find clarity and quiet in a chaotic world that never seems to stop running. In this information age, we are continually bombarded with news, video, phone calls, entertainment and disruption. Those “conveniences” come at a steep cost, and the price of that is being “always on.” I believe there has to be a balance, and I find that balance when I “unplug” and get outside. When I do that, I am able to be more effective, more centered, more creative, and ultimately more productive and happy. In this online world, people are always talking about “hustle.” Well, let me tell you that a lot can get lost in the hustle, you have to take time for what matters, and for yourself. With this in mind, I knew incorporating the natural element into my business was essential.
4. Giving / Helping Others
I have a passion for helping others, it’s in my DNA. My personal belief is that when it's all said and done, if we haven't spent a good portion of this life helping others, then we've simply missed the point. I want to help others better themselves, accomplish their goals, and find their own freedom. I believe that each of us have unique experiences in our journey that can benefit those we encounter, so long as we are willing to connect, engage, encourage and share. That is the first reason for creating davidkelber.com: to share (hence, the reason for incorporating the share symbol in my logo). I want to share not only my experiences, but those of our community, through collaboration, resources, inspiration, shared wisdom and support. I believe if we share our experiences unselfishly with others, we connect. In connecting with others, we begin building relationships and opening doors that can multiply exponentially. This is where influence, impact and purpose come full circle. When we share and connect with others, that is when we grow. The foundation of Basecamp are those three core elements: share, connect, grow. I want to incorporate that here within Basecamp, but also on a much broader scale, to our local communities and the world at-large. (See the “Community” tab for more in-depth info on this.) Being a responsible entrepreneur means that we give back, out of gratitude, out of doing what is right and what is needed; and ultimately out of the principal that the seeds we plant today can bloom and continue on long after our own journey.
Whether you’re taking your first steps on the path to freedom, or even if you’re a well-traveled entrepreneur, I welcome you to Basecamp. Please know that I consider it a privilege to travel alongside you and so many others who are making this journey. It is not the easiest path, it is full of challenge, disappointment, setbacks, and more challenge. But, it also filled with wisdom, success, laughter, friendship, and freedom! There truly are strength in numbers, and no one makes this journey alone. Together, we can learn, adapt, support, and overcome. Within this community, everyone has a voice and something valuable to offer, so I encourage you to sign up below and join “the pack”. There, you will find other fellow travelers, journeypreneurs, and adventure seekers who are looking to integrate business and life with what matters most. Thanks for visiting Basecamp, take a look around, explore, and feel free to reach out. We hope you’ll pitch your tent here, gather around our campfire, and share in this journey with us. Welcome to your home away from home!
Join the Pack!
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